Just Be: Yoga & Mindfulness for Colorado Judicial

Simple, accessible, and supportive practices for movement and meditation, specially crafted for judicial well-being. 

Weekly Schedule


Two online offerings to choose from every week!

Tuesdays, 12:10 pm - 12:30 pm - 20 minute guided mindfulness meditation 

  • Relax and refocus through guided meditation in a variety of styles. Typically includes simple focus on the breath, visualization, and intention setting, right from your desk or meditation cushion. 

Thursdays, 12:10 pm - 12:30 pm - 20 minute chair yoga 

  • Experience the benefits of yoga without having to change clothes or use a mat. You'll find increased support and balance from the chair you're sitting in while learning easy techniques for releasing workday tension in the wrists, neck/shoulders, and beyond.  

How to participate


You are welcome to join any classes, as works best for your schedule:

  1. Simply click the link above for your desired class.
  2. Download and open the resulting OneDrive file. This will pull up an Outlook event invitation.
  3. Click “Accept” to add the recurring calendar events to your calendar. When it’s time for class, just click the green “Join Meeting” button and you’ll enter the virtual studio. 

If you change your mind, you can opt-out by declining an individual event or the recurring event series on the Webex invitation.

Sustaining the Program


Just Be is offered at no cost, toward the vision of supporting judicial officers and staff in accessing greater well-being, deeper presence, and more personal and professional satisfaction. No contribution is required and you support the program simply by participating and encouraging your colleagues to join you!

If you are interested in investing in the sustainability of this offering, you may also make a contribution to support our instructors. Donations to Ashley can be made heredonations to Maggie can be made here. If you would like to donate but prefer to do so by mailing cash or a check, please contact Ashley for more information. Again, no donation is required or expected. We greatly appreciate your support!   



We greatly value your feedback. If you have testimonials, suggestions, or questions about Just Be, please contact ashley.dunasta@judicial.state.co.us or judicialwellbeing@judicial.state.co.us