I love my job but am aware of the risk factors inherent in the profession. What can I do to be proactive in maintaining and enhancing my well-being throughout my career?
You’ve taken the first step, which is acknowledging the need. There are also a number of resources available to you, many of which are explored on this Judicial Well-Being site. For example, you can use well-being assessments, COLAP or other online resources to create a personal well-being plan that incorporates daily practices designed to renew and re-energize oneself. If you would like assistance in creating an individualized plan, contact judicialwellbeing@judicial.state.co.us and someone will get back to you. Also, be sure to regularly re-evaluate and update your plan. Life is fluid; so is your plan.
You can also ask a friend or partner to be open and honest with you about whether they see any signs of concern. Those close to us often see red flags before we see them in ourselves. Inviting feedback from someone you trust can help you recognize concerns before they become problems.
Where can I go to get free, confidential support and assistance for myself, my family, my staff or my colleague including well-being consultations, presentations, and critical incident support?
Assistance is available at Colorado Lawyer Assistance Program www.coloradolap.org; 303-986-3345.
What is the difference between “Wellness” and “Well-Being”?
Most of us use the terms “wellness” and “well-being” interchangeably, but there is a difference. Whereas “wellness” refers to physical health, “well-being” includes holistic, whole-life experiences. The Judicial Well-Being program includes all of the aspects that contribute to a positive condition of existence, including, but not limited to, physical wellness.
The National Task Force on Lawyer Well-Being defines well-being as a multi-faceted concept, as illustrated by this graphic from the National Task Force Report.

How can I get involved with the Colorado Judicial Well-Being Committee?
We are looking for judicial officer representatives from across the state to join the ongoing judicial well-being committee. Contact us at judicialwellbeing@judicial.state.co.us with any questions or to volunteer.